Applications for the SIOP Advocacy Academy are being accepted until Friday, August 4. If you are interested in gaining knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for research funding, evidence-based policy, and other critical SIOP priorities, consider submitting your application before the deadline.
Advocacy Academy is a free, 9-month program that only requires a time commitment of 1 to 2 hours per month. The program consists of a series of prerecorded webinars on relevant topics, such as the legislative process and engaging with congressional officials. Additionally, there are monthly discussion sessions with the opportunity for Q & A with organizers and other participants.
SIOP Associates, Members, Fellows, and Students are eligible to participate. The application form can be found on the SIOP government relations webpage.
Post Type
Advocacy, Advocacy Academy, Covid-19/Pandemic, Events & Education, Financial Planning, Government Relations, Webinars