It is with great honor and profound respect that we announce the establishment of the Michael E. Moomaw Graduate Student Scholarship, dedicated to preserving the legacy of an exceptional individual, Dr. Michael E. Moomaw. Dr. Moomaw, a distinguished figure in the field of industrial-organizational psychology, left an indelible mark on our community before his passing on December 9, 2023, following his valiant battle with cancer.

Dr. Moomaw’s educational journey began at Bowling Green State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. He then pursued and obtained both a Master of Science degree and a doctorate in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Throughout his illustrious career, spanning 15 years as an I-O psychologist at Southern Company and 16 years as the Southern Regional Director for APTMetrics, Dr. Moomaw not only excelled in his professional endeavors but also embodied qualities that endeared him to all who had the privilege of knowing him. Michael consistently prioritized the well-being of others over himself, leaving a lasting impact on those fortunate enough to cross his path.

One of Dr. Moomaw’s most cherished roles was that of a mentor. He dedicated himself to guiding and nurturing scores of graduate students and early career I-O psychologists throughout his career. His kindness, intelligence, humor, and generosity set a truly unmatched standard.

The Michael E. Moomaw Scholarship has been established with the primary objective of promoting excellence in the field of I-O psychology. Specifically, the scholarship aims to support students dedicated to exploring the contributions of I-O psychology to mentoring, coaching, and/or leadership development. Dr. Moomaw recognized the profound impact these areas have on professional growth and organizational effectiveness.

The scholarship not only serves as a testament to his enduring influence but also as an opportunity to empower and inspire future generations of I-O psychologists who share Dr. Moomaw’s passion for mentoring and leadership development.

The Michael E. Moomaw Scholarship is supported by the SIOP Foundation Board of Trustees. Donations have already begun, and we are asking everyone to please contribute as much as you can to this worthy cause. Both SIOP members and nonmembers can donate by following this link on the SIOP Foundation website.

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2022 Leading Edge Consortium, Awards, Scholarships, Grants, Foundation