Do you want to quench that need for working smarter, not harder? The SIOP Work Smart Series offers SIOP members virtual learning programs with exceptional content and opportunities for meaningful, memorable interaction. Take advantage of this member benefit by registering for one or both of the upcoming SIOP Work Smart events.

On November 13, the SIOP Work Smart Series will focus on Combating the Toxic Workplace. The event will provide evidence-based strategies for identifying and dealing with toxic issues within your work environment. Presenters Clair Reynolds Kueny and C. Allen Gorman will offer examples to defuse workplace toxicity. Participants will also learn how to develop a “toxicity detector” for their workplace. (FYI, you can’t find it on Amazon.)

December 4 will be the last SIOP Work Smart Series of the year, highlighting Strengthening Employee Value through Sustainability Practices. Beth Anne McPheeters, Mano Ramakrishnan, and Hannes Zacher will discuss what employee green behaviors are and why they are a must have for successful implementation of sustainability in organizations. Participants will explore how leaders and HR professionals can work together to promote and cultivate the change as well as successful initiatives.

Each of the SIOP Work Smart Series events takes place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET, and you can register on the series webpage.

The world of work is in a period of rapid change and I-O psychologists have much to offer for creating a smarter workplace. Join your colleagues as they leverage the science of I-O psychology to make the workplace a better place.

What other member benefits might you be missing out on? Visit our benefits webpage today!

If you have any questions about the Work Smart Series or membership in general, please contact

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Events & Education, Membership, Work Smart Series, Work Smart Series