Exciting things are coming to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (IOP), SIOP’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal.
New focal articles are now available for commentary on the journal webpage:
- Revisiting Keynes’ Predictions About Work and Leisure: A Discussion of Fundamental Questions About the Nature of Modern Work is by Seth A. Kaplan, John A. Aitken, Blake A. Allan, George M. Alliger, Timothy Ballard, and Hannes Zacher.
- Workplace Learning and the Future of Work is by Margaret E. Beier, Mahima Saxena, Kurt Kraiger, David P. Costanza, Cort W. Rudolph, David M. Cadiz, Gretchen (Gigi) Petery, and Gwenith G. Fisher.
Commentaries for both articles are due October 1.
Editor Cort Rudolph is happy to announce calls for papers for two upcoming special issues. The first special issue will focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Guest Editor Lars Johnson will lead this issue and the full call for papers is available now. Prospective authors should submit a proposal of no more than 1,500 words that outlines the proposed study context, methods, analyses, and research questions to lars.johnson@uta.edu with the subject heading “IOP SI Proposal” by February 1, 2025.
Proposals will be reviewed by the editorial team for fit to the special issue call. If invited, full manuscripts should be prepared for blind review according to the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 7th ed.). Selected proposals will be notified by April 1, 2025, and invited to submit full papers, which should be submitted by October 1, 2025.
Dr. Fred Oswald will serve as guest editor for the issue on artificial intelligence (AI). The call for AI papers is nearly complete and will be posted soon on the IOP journal webpage.
If you are a SIOP member interested in being published, you won’t want to miss out on these opportunities!
Post Type
IOP, Publications