SIOP has three book series that present the most cutting-edge research, and Organizational Frontiers has three new volumes available now.

Brand new this month is Computational Modeling for Industrial-Organizational Psychologists, edited by Jeffrey B. Vancouver, Mo Wang, and Justin M. Weinhardt. This book includes how-to chapters, agent-based modeling, and system dynamics modeling, as well as provides guidance on evaluating these models qualitatively and quantitatively. It also offers advice on how to read, review, and publish papers with computational models. There is also an overview of the history of computational modeling as it relates to I-O psychology.

Tackling Precarious Work Toward Sustainable Livelihoods, edited by Stuart C. Carr, Veronica Hopner, Darrin J. Hodgetts, and Megan Young, was just published in October 2023 and features leading applied research scholars, advocates, and activists from around the world. The four key parts focus on Sustainable Livelihoods, Fair Incomes, Work Security and Social Protection, and cover topics including the role of poor pay, lack of work-related security, social protection for human health and well-being, and interventions and policies to implement for the future of work. Each of the 22 chapters expands the present understandings of the world of precarious work and how it fits within broader issues of economic, ecological, and social sustainability.

“Credit to SIOP Frontiers Series editors Georgia Chao and Brad Bell and committee, because the idea for putting the book together came from, and through, Angelo (DeNisi) and Kevin (Murphy)” said Editor Stuart Carr. “Their timing was perfect and undeniable: As the book’s (open access) intro points out, precarious, in-poverty work had (according to the UN and the ILO itself) become ‘the’ main challenge for our world of work to tackle.”

Published in July, Senior Leadership Teams and the Agile Organization, edited By Stephen J. Zaccaro, Nathan J. Hiller, and Richard Klimoski, builds on existing knowledge in the leadership, teams, and strategic management literatures to examine and explore how senior leadership teams drive the dynamic capabilities of organizations. The book is essential reading for researchers and professionals looking to understand the intersection of leadership, team dynamics, organizational psychology, organizational psychology, and strategic management, particularly in relation to organizational agility and the senior leadership team.

In addition, a number of other volumes published recently are also available:

  • Expatriates and Managing Global Mobility (September 23, 2022), edited by Soo Min Toh and Angelo DeNisi
  • Neurodiversity in the Workplace Interests, Issues, and Opportunities (July 01, 2022), edited by Susanne M. Bruyère and Adrienne Colella
  • Data, Methods and Theory in the Organizational Sciences: A New Synthesis (March 15, 2022), edited by Kevin R. Murphy
  • Age and Work: Advances in Theory, Methods, and Practice (January 18, 2022), edited by Hannes Zacher and Cort W. Rudolph

Order any (or all!) of these exciting new volumes from the Routledge webpage.

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