Conference Awards

A face painted as the rainbow with blue eyes staring

LGBTQIA+ Trailblazer Award

The SIOP LGBTQIA+ Committee is thrilled to introduce the inaugural LGBTQIA+ Trailblazer Award, celebrating an extraordinary leader who has made a groundbreaking impact on research or practice related to LGBTQIA+…

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mom kissing daughter on cheek

SIOP Caregiver Support Grant

SIOP will provide each recipient with $500 to support their caregiving costs associated with their attendance at the SIOP Annual Conference. The Women’s Inclusion Network (WIN) committee has appointed a…

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people studying at a coffee shop

John C. Flanagan Award for Best Student Presentation at the SIOP Conference

The John C. Flanagan Award was established to recognize the best student contribution at the SIOP conference. There isn’t an application process for this award. Poster submissions whose first author…

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man writing on a notepad

SIOP Best International Paper Award

The SIOP Best International Paper Award is awarded to the poster deemed to be the most outstanding example of scholarship in Global, International, and/or Cross-Cultural Issues. Posters are evaluated in the…

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empty airport terminal

SIOP Student Travel Award

If you are a current Student member of SIOP who a speaker for an accepted submission to the SIOP Annual Conference is, please consider applying for the SIOP Student Travel…

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two people at a standing desk

Best Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/ Transgender (LGBT) Research Award

In recognition of the best paper or poster on a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender issue presented at the annual SIOP conference. This annual award is given to the author(s)…

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