SIOP is pleased to announce that Roni Reiter-Palmon, University of Nebraska at Omaha, and Rodney Lowman, Lowman & Richardson/Consulting Psychologists, have been elected to serve as APA Council Representatives for Division 14 for the term January 2024 to December 2026. Lowman served as an APA Council Representative from 2013-2015 and Reiter-Palmon will be serving in this role for the first time.

Roni Reiter-Palmon is a Distinguished Professor of Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology and the Director of the I-O Psychology Graduate Program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). She is also the Director of Innovation for the Center for Collaboration Science, an inter-disciplinary program at UNO. She received her Ph.D. in I-O Psychology from George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Her research focuses on creativity and innovation in the workplace, cognitive processes of creativity, team creativity, development of teamwork and creative problem-solving skills, and leading creative individuals and teams. Her research has been published in leading journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Creativity Research Journal, The Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, Human Resources Management Review, and Leadership Quarterly. She is the former Editor of The Psychology of Creativity, Aesthetics and the Arts and the current editor of Organizational Psychology Research. She is an associate editor for the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology and Creativity Research Journal. She serves on multiple editorial boards of I-O, management, and creativity journals. She has published five edited books, and is the editor of the book series “Creativity and Innovation in Organizations” published by Palgrave. She has obtained over 8 million dollars in grant and contract funding from government and businesses focusing on creativity, leadership, and teams. She is a fellow of Divisions 10 and 14 of APA, and has won the system wide research award from the University of Nebraska system in 2017.

Rodney Lowman President, Lowman & Richardson/Consulting Psychologists, PC, Visiting Professor, Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management, and Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Organizational Psychology Programs, CSPP, Alliant International University, San Diego. He is the author or editor of 22 books and monographs and has published over 130 peer-reviewed articles and chapters. He currently edits the “Fundamentals of Consulting Psychology” for the American Psychological Association (APA) which currently includes 11 books.  He has focused especially on individual differences in career choice/development and professional ethics. He is Fellow of 7 divisions of the American Psychological Association, 1 (Interdisciplinary), 10 (Creativity), 12, (Clinical) 13 (Consulting), 14 (I-O), 17 (Counseling), and 52 (International). His most recent book is Career Assessment: Integrating Interests, Abilities, and Personality. He is a widely recognized authority on professional ethics and on career assessment and interventions. He has consulted with a large number of career and organizational clients.

Per the APA website, the Council of Representatives is the legislative body of APA and has full power and authority over the affairs and funds of the association within the limitations set by the certificate of incorporation and the bylaws, including the power to review, upon its own initiative, the actions of any board, committee, division, or affiliated organization. The council is composed of representatives of divisions; representatives of state, provincial, and territorial psychological associations (SPTAs); and the members of the Board of Directors.

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Allied Organizations, APA (American Psychological Association)