SIOP is pleased to announce that Georgia Chao, University of South Florida, and Doug Reynolds, DDI, have been elected to serve as APA Council Representatives for Division 14 for the term January 2025 to December 2027.

Chao received her BS degree in psychology with honors from the University of Maryland and her MS and PhD degrees in industrial and organizational psychology from The Pennsylvania State University. She is a professor of psychology at the University of South Florida and also serves as the area director of the Industrial-Organizational Psychology program. Her research interests are in the areas of teams, work adjustment, and work design with new technologies. She was elected to several positions in the American Psychological Association, Academy of Management, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and served as SIOP’s President in 2020-2021. Her recent election to APA’s Council of Representatives will be her third term in that office.

Reynolds is chief science officer at DDI, a global leadership consultancy, where he works to advance the intersection of assessment, leadership development, and technology to better execute business strategy and accelerate organizational growth. He has served SIOP for over 30 years—as president (2012-13) and elected officer on the Executive Board (2009-2013). He has chaired or served on many SIOP committees and task forces, including the Scientific Affairs, Membership, Professional Practice, and Visibility committees. He is currently the chair and editor for SIOP’s Professional Practice book series. He publishes and presents frequently, often focusing on the intersection of technology and assessment. Most recently he coedited Talent Assessment: Embracing Innovation and Mitigating Risk in the Digital Age (2023). Other works include Next Generation Technology-Enhanced Assessment (2018), the Handbook of Workplace Assessment (2010), and Online Recruiting and Selection (2009). He is a recipient of SIOP’s Distinguished Professional Contributions Award. He received his PhD in I-O psychology from Colorado State University. This is his first term as an APA Council Representative.

SIOP is currently being represented on the Council by Gary Carter and Tammy Allen, whose terms end Dec. 31, 2024, and Roni Reitman Palmon and Rodney Lowman, whose terms end Dec. 31, 2026.

Per the APA website, the Council of Representatives is the legislative body of APA and has full power and authority over the affairs and funds of the association within the limitations set by the certificate of incorporation and the bylaws, including the power to review, upon its own initiative, the actions of any board, committee, division, or affiliated organization. The council is composed of representatives of divisions; representatives of state, provincial, and territorial psychological associations (SPTAs); and the members of the Board of Directors.

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Allied Organizations, APA (American Psychological Association), Leadership, Membership, Talent Assessment