SIOP hosted its 39th Annual Conference last month, offering both an online and in-person event. More than 5,100 registrants explored professional development and networking opportunities, educational presentations and posters, and the exhibit hall during the conference. More than 4,700 registrants attended in person.

“The conference this year was inspiring and energizing,” said SIOP Conferences and Programs Officer Emily Solberg. “It was wonderful to watch attendees share their research, make meaningful connections and cultivate fresh ideas and insights for future work.”

This year’s conference featured many of the offerings attendees are accustomed to, including four consortia for students and early career I-Os, Preconference Workshops, and Friday Seminars. It was the third year the Opening Plenary has been held on Wednesday night, leading into the Welcome Reception.

New this year were social activities, including SIOP’s Got Talent and virtual I-O Bingo, and our partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago, which culminated in a group effort to build 200 backpack kits to benefit children and youth in the local community during the Closing Event.

Virtual registration came with extended access to the Whova conference app through June 30. In-person registrants can purchase this extended access through June 15. Extended access gives participants additional time to view sessions they might have missed, or that they wanted to rewatch, on their own schedule. Approximately 130 recorded sessions (~100 in-person sessions and ~30 Zoom sessions) and any session decks and posters made available in Whova by session chairs are available via this access.

“This year’s SIOP Annual Conference was the culmination of countless volunteer hours,” said SIOP Conference Chair Winny Shen. “Our conference is unique in that it is truly a conference about I-O psychology put on by I-O psychologists, and I love watching our community come together and welcoming newcomers into the fold.”

SIOP Program Chair Vivian Woo added, “It was an amazing conference experience. Attendees were keenly engaged with this year’s educational program, speaking to the breadth and depth of session content. It sparked questions, discussions, and ideas that will surely continue with new collaborations, research, publications, and conference submissions.”

SIOP thanks the 56 partners who supported this year’s conference. Our platinum-level partners (who spent more than $25,000 each on advertising, exhibiting, and sponsorships) were: CodeSignal, Hogan, PDRI by Pearson, SHL, and Valence.

The SIOP Conference evaluation survey for in-person attendees is currently open, and the survey for virtual attendees will be available soon.

Planning for the 2025 SIOP Annual Conference, which will be held in Denver, is already underway, and the Conference Committee will hold its summer meeting in July. More details about the look ahead to 2025 will be shared this fall. In the meantime, keep an eye out for information about the 2024 Leading Edge Consortium and upcoming SIOP Work Smart Series sessions.

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2024 Annual Conference, Events & Education