man in orange reflective vest and woman in business clothes stand over a desk looking down at a large paper

SIOP Member Criteria

SIOP Members have a doctoral degree and are engaged in I-O psychology research, practice, or professional activities.

SIOP Associate Criteria

SIOP Associates have a Master’s degree or 2 years of graduate psychology coursework and are engaged in I-O psychology research, practice, or professional activities.

woman holding a coffee cup smiles at people next to her
man teaching a class pointing at a projector with coded text

SIOP Fellow Criteria

SIOP Fellows are Members who have made outstanding contributions to the field of I-O psychology. Nominated by their peers, reviewed by Fellowship Committee, and approval voted by the Executive Board, these are some of the most influential contributors within the Society.

SIOP Retired Criteria

SIOP provides a Retired option for Associates, Members, and Fellows who are retired from working in an I-O psychology-related position, but wish to remain involved in the Society.

retired woman with laptop working at home at night