
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology of Australia (SIOPA)

Founded in 2016, the Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology Australia (SIOPA) is an independent and incorporated association with the purpose of creating growth, supervision, and professional development opportunities for organisational psychologists and related disciplines in Australia. Our practices, methods, and principles have been derived and supported by US-based SIOP and are tailored to suit the renewed challenges that face our profession moving into the future in Australia.


Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho (SBPOT) 


In 2001, SBPOT - Brazilian Association of Organizational and Work Psychology was created. An association of scientific and educational purposes to promote the production and disseminate of scientific knowledge and technologies in the field of Organizational and Work Psychology.


Section Work, Organization and Business Psychology of the German Society of Psychology (DGPs) (ACADEMIC) Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- and Wirtschaftspsychologie (AOW) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)

AOW psychologists research and design interdependencies between working, organizational and market conditions on the one hand and human experience and behavior in organizations on the other. The aim is to increase the fit between the individual and the work context with a view to health, performance, and efficiency. Economic psychological issues relate to the behavior and experience of people in broader economic contexts (e.g. as a consumer, taxpayer, applicant) and comprehensive economic processes (e.g. economic development, internationalization).


The Division of Work and Organizational Psychology of the Hellenic Psychological Society (HPS)

Within the Hellenic psychological Society (HPS), the Division of Work Organizational psychology was established in 1990. The Division consists of faculty members from Greek Universities, practitioners who are also PhD holders, and PhD students in Work Organizational psychology. The Work & Organizational Psychology Division aims to make a significant contribution in the development of work and organizational psychology in Greece. The Division's aim is to promote research in WOP, to apply empirical evidence in organizational practice, and to promote the collaboration of researchers from Greece and abroad. The Division currently has 29 members , who are active in both research and practice and their interests cover various topics from employee recruitment and selection, training and evaluation, to employee motivation and development, organizational change, communication and career development, leadership and organizational culture, as well as employee well-being and work-family balance.


Latvian Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (LSIOP)


Lithuanian Association Of Applied Psychology

The Lithuanian Association of Applied Psychology (LTPA) was established in 1991. The mission of LTPA is to unite professionals who are working in a field of applied psychology and to help them to enhance the quality of provided services. The main aims of LTPA are:

  • To represent the interests of LTPA members and applied psychology in different institutions.
  • To promote development of different applied psychology areas. To implement and participate in psychological researches, programs, and projects.
  • To take care of psychologists, psychotherapists and consultants' professional competence and qualification.
  • To create ethical principles for Applied Psychology and Psychotherapy, create requirements for studies, training, applied research and professional practice, and implement its monitoring.


Werkgemeenschap van Onderzoekers in de Arbeids- & Organisatiepsycholoie (WAOP) 
Maria Peeters;

The WAOP 'Working community of researchers in Work & Organizational Psychology' is an association that stimulates work and organizational psychological research in the Netherlands and the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. This concerns both applied and more fundamental research that relates to issues from work, organizational, or personnel psychology. Promoting collaboration between scientists and professionals working in this field is an explicit goal for WAOP.


The Norwegian Psychological Association (NPA)

The Norwegian Psychological Association has about 6600 members. The Association is responsible for running the specialization in Work and Organizational Psychology, a five year education with lectures, supervised practice, and thesis.


Asociatia de Psihologie Industriala si Organizationala (APIO) Romanian Industrial and Organizational Psychology Association


APIO was founded by Prof. Horia D. Pitariu in 2003 and became rapidly a Constituent of EAWOP and an active participant in other international initiatives: associations, conferences, symposia, etc. APIO is very active in Romania in a number of important and visible projects. APIO organizes the yearly national conference of work and organizational psychology (WOP), publishes a scientific journal (Psihologia Resurselor Umane/Human Resources Psychology) with 2 issues per year, has developed a number of programatic documents for its members and the wider professional audience such as an audit of WOP practices in Romania, recommendations for good practice, reference models for WOP training etc. APIO has also published a number of books, and continues to translate into Romanian important international documents such as the ENOP reference model, various SIOP and EAWOP white papers, and others.


Singapore Psychological Society Industrial Organisational Psychology Special Interest Group


Industrial-Organisational (I/O) psychology is the scientific study of working and the application of that science to workplace issues facing individuals, teams, and organisations. The scientific method is applied to investigate issues of critical relevance to individuals, businesses, and society. The objectives of the SPS Industrial Organisational Psychology SIG include the following: to facilitate discussions around best practices for I/O psychologists, provide a support and network group - topics covered would cover the broad area of I/O psychology excluding coaching which is already serviced by an effective interest group.


The Slovenian Psychological Association (SPA) - Section of Work and Organizational Psychology


The Work and Organisational section acts within the Slovenian Psychological Association and incorporates psychologists who work as HR managers, consultants, academics, trainers and coaches in the field of work and organizational psychology. Membership 200.


Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos (COP) - Spanish Psychological Association

The Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos (COP) - Spanish Psychological Association is currently creating a work, organisation, and personnel division.

United Kingdom

The British Psychological Society (Division of Occupational Psychology, DOP)

The Division of Occupational Psychology is the second largest division of The British Psychological Society with 3,174 members. The mission statement of DOP is: "…to promote, develop and regulate the work of occupational psychologists in corporate, academic, voluntary, public and private sector settings so as to enhance the well-being and work effectiveness of organizations and individuals within society. We encourage the development of occupational psychology through continual, critical examination of its theoretical base."