About The SIOP Member Dashboard
The SIOP Member Dashboard uses membership demographic analyses that are provided by the Membership Analytics subcommittee of the Membership Committee.
The dashboard includes three tabs with aggregate breakdowns of member types, gender, work sector, degree, location, and field of study. These variables are available for the last seven years of data, each year reflecting a SIOP membership year that runs from July 1 through June 30 (e.g., 2023 data reflects member demographics from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023). The latest full year of information is 2023. Data from 2017-2023 can be used to compare trends over time.
To request additional demographic information, complete the data governance request form.
Instructions For Use
- Select different fields allows to automatically filter the data by a field of interest. For instance, compare males and females on the other variables by selecting the male bar, and then the female bar.
- Select a field by clicking on the bar or area corresponding to the field of interest. To protect privacy, there must be at least 10 members within a subcategory in order to see membership data for that group
- Hold CTRL or Command and click to select multiple items.
- Click the back arrow to undo a selection
- Click the reset button to reset the dashboard and remove all selections.
- Click the expand button to view the dashboard in full screen.
SIOP Membership Data Governance Policy
To learn more about the request process and the types of membership information that are available, please review SIOP's Membership Data Governance Policy.