Welcome to SIOP Career Services Committee’s Mock Interview Program!

The Mock Interview Program (MIP) offers SIOP members who are pursuing a new role or career change (Job Seekers) an opportunity to practice their interviewing skills. Job Seekers are paired with another SIOP member already working in their desired professional setting (Interviewers) to conduct a mock interview and receive resume/CV feedback. The MIP runs from approximately one-month before the conference through a short period after the SIOP Annual Conference (March - May).

To sign up for the MIP, interested participants should visit the Annual Conference registration form to opt-in.

Join the MIP in one of two roles:

  • Interviewers - SIOP members with at least ONE year of post-graduate experience (either applied or academic) and a desire to support SIOP members in attaining their career goals can serve as an Interviewer. Each interview session should last approximately 60 minutes, including a mock interview (30 minutes) and resume/interview feedback (30 minutes). Helpful resources and tips will be made available to assist in conducting the interview, resume review and providing feedback.

Last year, the program saw 110 I-O Psychology professionals sign-up to support other members, but many more are needed. If you are eligible and available, please consider volunteering your time to support SIOP members!

  • Job Seekers - SIOP members looking for a new job or who want feedback on their interview skills and resumes should sign-up. Job Seekers will participate in one mock interview session (~60 minutes: 30 minutes mock interview and 30 minutes resume/interview feedback) as the interviewee. Helpful resources and tips will be made available to assist Job Seekers with their resumes and preparing for the interview.

Space is limited, and not all interested Job Seekers will be paired with an interviewer. Sign up early to reserve your spot!

Process Overview:

  • SIOP recruits Job Seekers and Interviewers to sign-up for the MIP during the SIOP annual conference registration. 
    • Note: If you are unable to attend the Annual Conference, but still wish to participate in the MIP, please contact SIOP Career Services.
  • Job Seekers and Interviewers will be matched based on the following criteria:
    • Interest/experience in an academic vs. practitioner/applied role
    • Years of experience in the field (outside of formal education)
  • Once matched, both parties will receive communications with detailed instructions and access to resources for completing the mock interview process. 
  • Mock interview activities may take place before, during, or after the conference, either virtually or on-site.

Job Seekers:

  • An email will be sent initially from SIOP confirming program sign up and a link to complete your registration. Once your registration is complete, another email will be sent confirming a successful match with an interviewer. This latter communication will provide process guidance and links to the MIP Resources (e.g., mock interview tips, resume preparation guide) on this page.
  • It is recommended job seekers contact the matched interviewer to provide the following:
    • Updated resume/CV
    • Availability for either a virtual or in-person mock interview session
    • Information regarding the position type and level of the upcoming or desired job interview
  • Job seekers will prepare to have one mock interview and feedback session lasting approximately one hour total.


  • An email will be sent initially from SIOP confirming program sign up and a link to complete your registration. Once your registration is complete, another email will be sent confirming a successful match with an interviewer. This latter communication will provide process guidance and links to the MIP Resources (e.g., mock interview tips, resume review guide) on this page.
  • Interviewers will contact the matched job seekers to:
    • Obtain the latest version of their resume/CV
    • Schedule a 1 hour meeting (virtual or in-person) to conduct the mock interview and resume feedback session
  • A curated mock interview guide will be provided to assist with the interview and resume feedback. Interviewers will also have access to an online mock interview evaluation tool to assist with interview sessions in an electronic format.
  • Interviewers should anticipate completing a resume review and interview sessions for no more than two job seekers.

MIP Resources

Job Seeker:

Mock Interview Tips for Job Seekers

Guidelines for Resume/CV Preparation


Mock Interview Tips for Interviewers

Mock Interview Guide: Academic & Practitioner

Guidelines for Resume/CV Review