Reviewer Sign-up is now closed.

The submission deadline was Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 5 p.m. ET.

The SIOP Annual Conference is only possible because of the generosity of our reviewers. If you have submitted a proposal for the 2025 SIOP Annual Conference, you do not need to complete this form again as you are already signed up to be a reviewer.


Reviewer Criteria

Who is eligible to review?

  • All current SIOP Fellows, Members, Associates, and Retired members are eligible to serve as reviewers. Affiliates and non-members are ineligible to be reviewers.
  • SIOP Students who have submitted a proposal to the 2025 SIOP Annual Conference that was accepted.

Why should I serve as a reviewer?

  • You will play a key role in helping us to fill the conference program with valuable, compelling content. Peer review is a critical part of the scientific process and helps to ensure that the content accepted to the conference represents high-quality work in both science and practice.

What is expected of me as a reviewer?

  • In November, you will be assigned 3-5 submissions and will have at least 3 weeks to complete your reviews. We make every attempt to assign you submissions that fall within the content area(s) you select in the sign-up process, and we also aim to evenly distribute session types across reviewers.
  • Reviewers typically spend 20-45 minutes on each submission, so we ask that you plan for approximately two hours to complete your reviews. Some will need less time; some will need more.
  • You will be asked to provide both number ratings and written comments on the submissions through the online submission review form.

New This Year

2025 SIOP Annual Conference brings a new reviewing expectation for submitters. In recent years, we have struggled to have enough members willing to volunteer to help review all of the many submissions we received. Starting this year, and with the support of the SIOP Executive Board, staff, and volunteers, all SIOP submitters will be enrolled as reviewers and complete the reviewer questions during the proposal submission process.

This will ensure we have both the number of volunteer reviewers to undertake the massive process of reviewing all the wonderful submissions, as well as the high-quality folks needed to do the reviews themselves – all of you! We can’t do this without you, and we hope that everyone will be excited by this new opportunity to contribute, in a small but meaningful way, to the success of the SIOP Annual Conference.