Please refer to this page for all the most critical information about the Call for Proposals (CFP) and the submission process. 

1. Roles

When submitting proposals, submitters need to designate who is a speaker or nonspeaking contributor.  Throughout the submission process, some session types have more detailed roles defined whereas others are just listed as speakers.  Any defined roles are considered “speaker” roles.  You will be able to assign the speakers a preferential authorship order number. Please see the Eligibility section for more information on who can be a speaker.


2. Presentation Formats

Please refer to the section Conference Programming Formats for more details. Please ensure that all speakers are committed to presenting and attending in-person in Denver.


3. Session Information

Related to the point above on roles, submitters will be asked to provide an APA-style citation for their session (see samples here). This is the session information that will appear in Whova (and therefore the conference program) if a submission is accepted. As such, submitters may designate specific roles (e.g., chair, discussant, etc.) as they see fit in that block of text. It is recommended that submitters share this citation text with all contributors to their sessions before submitting to verify it is correct.


4. Abstract Length 

Abstracts can be up to 600 characters.


5. Social Media

Submitters will be asked to share a social media statement for LinkedIn. Submitters are encouraged to provide LinkedIn public profile URL links for authors on the proposal so that SIOP can promote the session effectively. This information will be inputted into the SIOP submission portal and should not be included in the submitted Word/PDF proposal document.