Individuals can have one of two roles for a submitted proposal: speaker or nonspeaking contributor. These roles map onto the following roles:

  • Speaker: Discussant, chair, cochair, panelist, presenter
  • Nonspeaking contributor: All others (i.e., co-authors with no designated speaking role)

Each proposal in which a person is indicated as a speaker counts against that person’s Rule of Three total (see below).

SIOP welcomes participation in the call for proposals by all SIOP members as well as nonmembers.

At least ONE speaker must be a SIOP Member, Associate, Fellow, or Retired member (e.g., at least one speaker must be a non-Student member).ew
No contributor may be designated as a speaker in more than 3 total submissions, regardless of type.
At least TWO speakers must have different affiliations.
(except master tutorials)
The submitter must be a SIOP Member, Associate, Fellow, Retired, or Student (for posters only) member.

Explanation of Rules

  • Live Supervision Rule: Submission in all session types other than posters requires at least one SIOP Member, Associate, Fellow, or Retired member as a speaker. The authorship team for a poster may consist entirely of Student members, if desired.
  • Rule of Three: An individual may be speaker in no more than three submissions, regardless of type. It is the responsibility of the submitter to ensure that those within that session have not agreed to be speakers in more than three proposed sessions. If you submit a session with any speakers who have violated the Rule of Three, your submission will be held out of peer review until the problem is resolved. If the problem cannot be resolved in a reasonable amount of time, the speaker in violation of the Rule of Three will be removed from all their sessions.
  • Diversity of Affiliation Rule: Multipresentation proposals (e.g., symposia and IGNITE sessions) must have speakers from at least two different affiliationsAlthough a single presentation within a multipresentation proposal may have all authors from the same institution, the overall session must have speakers with at least two different affiliations. This requirement is not applicable to posters and master tutorials.
  • Ownership Rule: Non-SIOP members (i.e., individuals who are not a SIOP Member, Associate, Fellow, Retired, or Student member) and Affiliates of SIOP may not submit sessions. Instead, non-SIOP members or SIOP Affiliates should partner with a SIOP Member, Associate, Fellow, or Retired member if they wish to propose a session. If you are sponsoring a non-SIOP member to be a speaker in your session, you should: (a) request that the nonmember create a SIOP account (this does not require them to become a member), (b) inform the non-SIOP member that they will need to pay the non-SIOP member registration fee to attend the conference (Affiliates would pay the Affiliate rate), and (c) provide information on logistical aspects of the conference. If you are a non-SIOP member or SIOP Affiliate and would like to propose a session, you can contact the SIOP Program Chair at to ask for a recommendation for a SIOP member partner if you do not already have one. Potential SIOP member partners can also be found by searching past SIOP Annual Conference programs.


All speakers are responsible for paying the conference registration fee, even if they only plan to attend their own session(s). There are no substitutions of presenters or papers after submission.

Presenters agree to open distribution of session materials and access by other attendees.

Submission of a proposal is taken as agreement to allow individuals to cite your presented work in their future research. It is expected that presentation materials will be shared with attendees in Whova, SIOP’s conference platform/app. After the conference concludes and Whova access ends, it is expected that presentation materials will be shared with attendees upon request. Therefore, submitters should ensure that they have the legal right to present the material included in the submission. If permission must be obtained from your employer or study partners to allow the presentation of data or other information, such permission must be secured prior to submission. Individuals are permitted to withhold some content from Whova (e.g., individual slides with proprietary information), but most content from the session should be submitted for inclusion in Whova. SIOP cannot guarantee that other attendees will not share content from Whova with a broader audience, and submitters do not hold SIOP responsible for such sharing.

Proposals should be in compliance with relevant portions of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (7th edition) and APA Publishing Policies. Proposals should be formatted in APA Style; however, acceptance or rejection decisions will primarily focus on the intellectual contributions of the proposal rather than APA Style. Submitters should ensure that ethical, legal, and professional standards regarding topics such as authorship and data integrity as outlined in the Publication Manual of the APA are followed. Guidance on APA’s policy for using generative artificial intelligence (AI) in scholarly materials is available online ( Submitters should follow this guidance, with one exception. Although APA requires authors to “upload the full output of AI as supplemental material,” SIOP asks that submitters prepare and save the full output, but they are not required to include it in the submission materials. Any conflicts of interest should be disclosed in the submission materials and final presentation materials (if the proposal is accepted). In order to maintain a blind review for poster submissions, identifying information may be masked in conflict of interest statements for posters.

Submissions Not Permitted

  • Previously published/presented work is not permitted. No previously published or presented works (e.g., journal articles, book chapters, books, conference presentations) or journal articles that are currently under review should be submitted.
  • Proposals under review for other meetings/conferences should not be submitted. A proposal should not be submitted for review simultaneously with review for any other international, national, regional, or state meeting.
  • Proposals with a commercial intent and focus are not permitted. Presenters should be sensitive to the commercial nature of products and/or services discussed in the context of their sessions. Presentations that focus on the commercial intent of a product or service rather than on the science and practice of I-O psychology are not permitted. If you wish to promote a product or service, you may want to become a sponsor or exhibitor. Contact Susan Rogers, SIOP Business Development Manager, ( for more information.

Quick Questions and Answers