Registration Rates

Membership Type


ends February 21, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST


begins February 22, 2025
Students$189 $209

Preconference Workshops

In-Person Full Day Workshops:

  • SIOP member - $599
  • Nonmember - $649

In-Person Half Day Workshop

  • SIOP member - $420 (per workshop)
  • Nonmember - $469 (per workshop)

Friday Seminars

$209 (per seminar)

Research Community Forums



  • Doctoral Consortium - $99
  • Masters Consortium - $99
  • Early Career Faculty Consortium - $199
  • Early Career Professional Consortium - $199

Spouse/Guest Registration

Early Registration - on or before February 21, 2025


Regular Registration -  February 22, 2025


The Guests / Spouse registration is a courtesy offered by SIOP which only permits an individual to accompany a regular conference registrant to receptions and the Exhibit Hall. The “Guests/Spouse Registration” is NOT for individuals who would otherwise need to pay for a full registration, including former members, employers, I-O faculty, students or practitioners or anyone planning to attend sessions. Additionally, all presenters are expected to be paid registrants of the conference per the Call for Proposals, found here.

With prior approval from SIOP's Administrative Staff, the Guest registrant may also receive limited access to one or two sessions (e.g., attendance at the Opening Plenary or a session to see a spouse’s presentation). Please contact regarding this request.

Conference Career Center Registration Rates

The following registration rates apply to the SIOP Conference Career Center only and are in-addition-to the SIOP Annual Conference rates.

Note for Employers: The Open House is included in all Employer Job Posting registration options at no additional cost.

Registrant Type


Internship/Part-time/Contract Support Jobs
Includes: Open House, Job Portal access & 1 posting
Multiple Job Postings (up to 4): Internship/Part-time/Contract Support Jobs
Includes: Open House, Job Portal access & up to 4 postings
Single Job Posting: Full-Time Professional Jobs
Includes: Open House, Job Portal access & 1 posting
Multiple Job Postings (up to 4): Full-Time Professional Jobs
Includes: Open House, Job Portal access & up to 4 postings
Open House Event Only
Includes: Open House, No Job Portal Access
Job Seeker
Job Seeker
Includes: Access to Job Portal, Open House, other career resources
(with conference registration)

Group Registration/
Third-Party Payers

To register a large group of attendees for the conference OR to pay for someone else's registration, please use the group registration form. The following steps need to be completed before an invoice can be created by SIOP staff:

  1. Each attendee must create an account on the SIOP website, if they do not already have one. They will need this account to access the conference materials, the schedule, and the conference app Whova. Please ask each attendee to verify their membership status, so the registration rate you request is accurate.

*Please note the SIOP dues year runs from July 1-June 30, with a grace period beginning in March 1 of each year. Dues paid before March 1 will be applied to the current dues year and membership will expire on June 30, 2025. More information about the SIOP dues year can be found on the SIOP Dues webpage.

  1. Each attendee must fill out the registration form completely, including agreeing to the SIOP Anti-Harassment Policy, SIOP Privacy Policy, and SIOP Terms of Use. The form has been successfully submitted once the step requesting payment information is reached.
  2. Once each attendee has completed these steps, please fill out the group registration form and send it to

Once the group registration form is filled out for each attendee and it has been verified by SIOP staff, we can accept payment from a group administrator/payer. We accept government purchase cards, checks, and credit cards for payments. For questions about this process, please email

Preregistration Deadline

Early Registration Deadline

  • February 21, 2025 (at midnight EST)
  • Regular registration rates begin to apply February 22, 2025.


Cancellation/ Refund Policies

Learn more about options for Annual Conference refunds and cancellations.