For Psychologists
SIOP is approved by the APA to sponsor CEs but maintains responsibility for content and programs. SIOP is not registered with the state of New York to offer psychology credits.

For Human Resource Professionals
SIOP maintains HR Certification Institute (HRCI) Approved Provider status and is recognized by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs).
Local Group CE Cosponsorship
SIOP partners with local I-O organizations to cosponsor CE programs under the auspices of SIOP’s status as an approved sponsor with the APA. Contact Jen Baker, to discuss this program at

Credits for Work Smart Series Continuing Education
CE credits may be available for participating in the Work Smart Series.
Receive Continuing Education Credits
Credit is generally offered at our annual Leading Edge Consortium (Fall), the SIOP Annual Conference (Spring), and for completing the Work Smart Series of webinars. For general administrative questions or concerns about receiving CE, please contact Jen Baker, at

Contact SIOP For CE Information
To discuss SIOP’s CE program or make suggestions, please contact Dr. Nhung T. Hendy, SIOP CE Chair, at