The SIOP Best International Paper Award is awarded to the poster deemed to be the most outstanding example of scholarship in Global, International, and/or Cross-Cultural Issues. Posters are evaluated in the first stage by general Annual Conference reviewers and in a second stage by members of the SIOP International Affairs Committee (IAC).

Below are examples of what may constitute Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues:

  •   Global issues pertain to topics/practices globally accepted or engaged in OR to environmental issues that have broad/global impacts on organizations, workforce, students, or the I-O field. Posters that focus on these global issues using a broad sample would fit under this category.
  •  International issues pertain to research conducted in or affecting two or more nations, typically a comparative study exploring topics/constructs/practices and grouping results by nation. Constructs may not be widely accepted or shared and thus do not fit the Global definition above.
  •  Cross-Cultural issues pertain to research that includes measures of cultural values and explore topics/constructs/practices within the context of those cultural values, with results discussed through that lens. Culture is a key variable driving or moderating outcomes.


Submission rules

Submissions may involve empirical research, conceptual/theoretical research, or teaching-related activities from any area of I-O psychology (either self-nominated for the International Poster Award or submitted with “Global/International/Cross-Cultural Issues” as the submission’s primary or secondary topic designation). The focus of the submission must involve issues related to Global, International, or Cross-Cultural Issues as defined above. IAC members will be prevented from reviewing submissions if their poster is under consideration for the award.


Award details

The award recipient(s) will receive a commemorative plaque, recognition in SIOP promotional materials, and recognition at the IAC International reception.

Criteria for Eligibility

The highest-rated posters in the topic area, Global/International/Cross-cultural Issues, will be evaluated on the extent to which the paper:


1=Not Developed, 2=Underdeveloped, 3= Competent, 4=Very Strong, 5= Outstanding


  1. Topic Choice: The submission tackles an I-O relevant issue, has a sound basis in science, theory, and/or practice (organizational or educational context) and reflects an awareness of the issue outside domestic boundaries.
  2. Introduction 1: The introductory section and the literature review are comprehensive, relevant and up to date, with gaps being clearly outlined.
  3. Introduction 2: Problem statements, research questions and/or hypotheses are correctly formulated and in line with the issues outlined in the introduction
  4. Introduction 3: The research design has internal validity, addressing potential biases and/or confounded effects
  5. Methods 1: The research design has external validity (incl. participants, settings and conditions)
  6. Methods 2: The procedure(s), measurements, and/or qualitative methods are appropriate and attuned to the research objectives
  7. Methods 3: Adequate statistical or other data analytical procedures have been used to obtain results that are properly described and interpreted
  8. Results: The author(s) offers reasonable interpretations of the results of the research
  9. Implications 1: Extends and broadens our theoretical and/or empirical knowledge of Global, International, and/or Cross-Cultural Issues by offering new insights and/or employing/suggesting creative methodologies and/or models.
  10. Implications 2: Increases our understanding of Global, International, and/or Cross-Cultural Issues in the workplace or educational context and offers practical guidance on these issues.

Award Type

Conference Awards