The Raymond A. Katzell Public Impact Award recognizes individuals who, in a major way, have shown to a broader public the importance of work done by I-O psychology for addressing issues that impact society’s well-being, that is, research that makes a difference for people.
This annual award is given to individuals who have broadly disseminated their own work or the work of other I-O psychologists beyond the I-O community in an effort to impact society’s well-being, for example, publicizing research that helps make organizations better places to work, more satisfying to workers, more efficient, and so forth.
Dissemination may take numerous forms, for example, books, trade magazine articles, news and popular press articles, op-ed pieces, newsletters, websites, blogs, podcasts, social media posts, presentations, speeches, serving on policy advisory groups, or providing expert testimony. Dissemination may target a broader public or particular segments of the public whose collective actions have considerable impact on society’s well-being (e.g., business and government decision-makers, policy groups, advocacy organizations).
Award recipients will receive a plaque and a cash prize of $3,000.
The Public Impact Award honors Raymond A. Katzell, a strong proponent of the scientist-practitioner model in I-O psychology. His primary research foci during his 27 years on the faculty at New York University were motivation and job satisfaction, the effectiveness of productivity enhancement interventions, and discrimination in employment testing. He was a president of SIOP, a fellow of SIOP, APA, and APS, editor of SIOP’s Frontiers of I-O Psychology series, and winner of SIOP’s Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award. His widow, Kitty Katzell, also a SIOP Fellow, established this award in his memory.
Administrative Procedures
- At least five members of the SIOP Awards Subcommittee will review and evaluate each nomination package.
- The Awards Subcommittee will recommend an award winner to the SIOP Executive Board.
- The Executive Board may either accept or reject the recommendation of the Awards Subcommittee but may not substitute a nominee of its own.
- In the absence of a nominee that is deemed deserving of the award by both the Awards Subcommittee and the Executive Board, the award may be withheld.
Criteria for Eligibility
Nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- The work the nominee has shown to the broader public is research based, and its application is clearly demonstrated.
- The work addresses issues that impact society’s well-being: for example, making work organizations better places to work, more satisfying to workers, or more efficient.
- The work is reaching and viewed as important by audiences well beyond the I-O community.
Call for Nominations
Nomination Guidelines
- Nominations may be submitted by any SIOP member. Self-nominations are welcome.
- An individual or a team of individuals who have closely collaborated on the dissemination work may be nominated. An individual nominee must be a SIOP member. At least one member of a team nomination must be a SIOP member.
- If there are multiple team members, the names of each participant must be entered during the online nomination process. Please ensure that all participants in your nomination have current information in their profiles. All nonmembers should create an account at (creating accounts is not equivalent to applying for membership).
- A nomination letter should address how the nominee meets the evaluation criteria noted below.
- The nomination package should contain up to three additional documents that will help the Awards Subcommittee evaluate the reach of the disseminated work (e.g., documentation of the breadth of distribution to the public or to decision/policy makers) and the perceived importance of the work for addressing issues impacting society’s well-being (e.g., positive reviews of the work, social media following, speaking invitations, advise sought by decision-makers and policy groups). One or more of the documents can be letters of support that explain the importance of the disseminated work.
- The nomination letter and nomination support documents must be submitted online by the nominator.
- When submitting the nomination materials, nominators will also be asked if the nominee(s) are being investigated, or have been found responsible, for misconduct prohibited in SIOP’s Anti-Harassment Policy and to provide a brief explanation if this is the case.
Current Award Recipients
Erika Henderson, Ed.D.
Juan Madera, PhD
Michelle Penn-Marshall
Award Type
Achievement & Best Paper Awards