The Beth E. Buchanan Scholarship is designed to support and encourage students in pursuing excellence in I-O psychology, particularly those focused on the ways work and organizations impact important social issues (e.g., issues affecting lower-income workers, particularly those tied into the management of work and family roles; specific types of work-family conflict episodes and the unique coping responses that are most helpful with each).
One $1500 Scholarship will be awarded in the current award cycle.
Application Procedure
Applicants for Graduate Student Scholarships must submit:
- A nomination letter from a faculty member in the program in which the applicant is enrolled.
- 12-page maximum* summary of the student’s current or planned research program, including an explanation of research design(s) and other important aspects of the projects (especially those relevant to the evaluation criteria).
- Two-page maximum curriculum vitae including scientific publications and presentations.
- A statement from the student’s advisor indicating that the student is actively engaged in the program of research described in the application submission documents.
All documentation must be submitted online by the applicant and must be either a Word document or a .pdf file.
*NOTE:Figures or tables may be included only if they can be incorporated into the twelve (12)-page limit. A list of references should be included with the summary; references will not be included in the 12-page maximum. Summaries should be double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1” margins.
Administration of Award
Based on their review of all candidates, the Buchanan Scholarship Subcommittee will identify a Scholarship recipient. The subcommittee reserves the right to recommend that the Scholarship be withheld if a suitable candidate does not apply.
Although a student can apply for multiple SIOP scholarships/fellowships, he or she cannot win multiple scholarships/fellowships in the same year. If an individual is recommended to receive a scholarship/fellowship by two different subcommittees, the Awards Chair for grants and scholarships will make the determination of which award the individual will receive.
The award will be distributed to the student in a single payment and may be used for graduate school expenses (without additional restriction). The student will have two options regarding the award stipend: (a) to receive the stipend directly; or (b) to have the stipend placed in a “professional development” account at the recipient’s university, contingent upon the regulations and policies of the recipient’s university. The award recipient will be liable for any tax payments associated with the stipend.
Within one year after the scholarship is awarded, the recipient is required to provide the SIOP Foundation with a one-page report summarizing the research that was conducted under the auspices of the award. The report should be cosigned by the student’s advisor or dissertation chair.
Awardees should be aware that a synopsis of their research may be placed on the SIOP website. This synopsis will be of such a nature as to not preclude subsequent publication of the research. Awardees are encouraged to submit the results of their research for presentation at SIOP’s annual conference.
Criteria for Eligibility
Evaluation Criteria
At least three members of the Beth E. Buchanan Scholarship Subcommittee will review and evaluate each applicant’s proposed research program on the following criteria:
- Advances the values of I-O Psychology (e.g., see
- Addresses issues at the intersection of work, organizations, and relevant social issues.
- Method(s)/design(s) applied are appropriate for exploring the questions of interest.
- Potential for the advancement of I-O theory
- Contributes insights into organizational practices and/or individual well-being.
Nominees must meet the following eligibility requirements.
- Enrolled full-time and in good standing in a graduate program in Industrial-Organizational Psychology or a closely related field (e.g., organizational behavior) at a regionally accredited university or college. Eligibility is not limited to students in programs located in the U.S.
- Student Member of SIOP
- Have an active program of ongoing I-O research, with some research completed and continued research planned
Past recipients of a Buchanan Graduate Scholarship and individuals who will have defended their dissertation are not eligible.
Current Award Recipients

Award Type
Scholarships, Scholarships & Fellowships