
The National Academy of Sciences has published a series of memoirs on key scientific figures. Some of those that I-O psychologists are familiar with include:

You can also read about Robert Glaser and George Miller, of 7+- 2 fame.

Division 14 Member Directories

The Division 14 Member directories from 1951 and 1954 are available online:

Biography of Thelma Hunt

  • Read a biography of Thelma Hunt, a pioneering I-O psychologist at the George Washington University.

Office of Strategic Services

The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) conducted early research on personnel selection, including:

  • A book on the OSS’s work
  • A website with some photographs and an overview of the OSS’s work

M. Scott Myers

Read his biography to learn about his contributions to I-O psychology.

Scott Myers' headshot
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John “Jack” Hunter

John “Jack” Hunter was an eminent SIOP Fellow known for his contributions to meta-analysis, validity generalization, and personnel selection, much of it in collaboration with Frank Schmidt. Read his biography and listen to his interview.


Photographs of John Hunter and his wife, Rhonda Hunter. (Photographs and audio interview courtesy of Mark Hamilton.)

Leonard W. Ferguson

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Here are two photographs of SIOP Past President Leonard W. Ferguson (courtesy of Barbara Jean Ferguson Needham).