headshot of dave feldner
Chief Executive Officer

David Feldner, CAE

headshot of Jamie Keblesh
Finance and Operations Director

Jamie Keblesh

headshot of jenny baker
Sr. Manager, Publications and Events

Jenny Baker

headshot of Patty Bringolf
Accounting Specialist

Patty Bringolf

headshot of Scott Case
Business Process Manager

Scott Case

Ariel Ellis's headshot
Web Manager

Ariel Ellis

Heather Flattery's headsot
Program Development Manager

Heather Flattery

Robin Ganzel's headshot
Education and Programs Manager

Robin Ganzel

Michelle Goro's headshot
Membership and Volunteer Development Manager

Michelle Goro

Leah Pekarik's headshot
Member Relations Specialist

Leah Pekarik

Christina Mimm's headshot
Marketing Manager

Christina Mimms

Susan Rogers's headshot
Business Development Manager

Susan Rogers

Amber Stark's headshot
Senior Brand and Content Strategist

Amber Stark

Michelle Zavaleta's headshot
Communications and Governance Specialist

Michelle Zavaleta