Eligibility for Fellow
Must be a current Society Member (see SIOP by-laws, Article II: Membership) at the time of nomination and for the previous 2 years and have accumulated 10 years of professional membership in SIOP, inclusive of the year in which the candidate is nominated. For example, current Members who joined or upgraded to professional membership status no later than 2013, and have accumulated 10 years of professional membership by maintaining their membership since 2013, would be eligible to be nominated no earlier than 2022, at which point they would have the required 10 years of accumulated professional membership. However, nominators are urged to consider whether the potential nominee has made substantial contributions to the field in those 10 years.
- Must demonstrate evidence that the individual’s contributions have had meaningful, sustained, and unusual impact on the field of industrial and organizational psychology.
- Must be nominated by another Society Member or Fellow. Self-nomination is not permitted
- Not currently under investigation, nor in the past been found formally responsible for, misconduct prohibited by the SIOP Anti-Harassment Policy
Specific Criteria
- Although the bylaws of SIOP provide a framework, it is important to emphasize that no single criterion, benchmark, or index is sufficient for evaluation of nominees for Fellowship. The Fellow selection process is not a mechanical one of adding up points or indexes—it is a judgment of the Fellowship Committee and the Executive Board of SIOP based on all the evidence presented.
- Outstanding contributions must be known to other members of the Society, however that recognition may have been achieved. Refereed publications have been a traditional method of becoming known and having impact—and may still be the deciding factor in the case of research-based nominations—but many other avenues are available today for one’s work to become widely known and have impact. The various elements of the nomination process (resume/CV, nominee self-statement, endorsement letters) are designed to specify the Nominee’s contributions and to demonstrate the impact.
- The particular nomination and the primary area of impact of the Nominee will determine the appropriate evidence. Many Nominees will have made contributions in more than one area, and the nomination materials should reflect that.
- Here are general examples that illustrate the different types of impact and evidence:
- Research-based nominations are typically supported by widely read, refereed publications that have defined new areas of research and theory or have significantly shaped the research and knowledge base in an area. Although number of citations is important, there must be some explanation of how the publications have impacted thinking or practice in I-O psychology.
- Practice-based nominations are more likely to include applications of I-O psychology and innovations, methods, or best practices that have influenced large numbers of other I-O practitioners or organizations and the people in them. Practice contributions in this area are more convincing when supported by evidence of widespread use and effectiveness within and across organizations; their use may also have generated analysis and research. The contributions may be widely known through publications in organizations or trade associations, or publications in related areas, newspapers and business press outlets and HR outlets, participation in SIOP workshops or programs, and in book chapters or books addressing a broader audience; research reports and endorsements by individuals in organizations familiar with these contributions should document how the contributions have had impact and the extent of that impact. Note that practice contributions are often constrained from dissemination by organizational policies, litigation issues, or intellectual property concerns; accordingly, nominators and endorsers are encouraged to provide adequate evidence and details of underlying research and the effectiveness of interventions.
- Teaching or Education-based nominations will likely focus on such indicators as the numbers of graduate students and their prominence, the development of widely used teaching materials or textbooks, the development of innovative teaching methods, or administrative positions in education that have provided widespread opportunities for advancing I-O psychology through education and educational activities.
- Service-based nominations may use impact evidence such as offices held in SIOP, APA, and other organizations that share SIOP’s mission and values; writings, programs, workshops, practices, and innovations that have helped SIOP maintain and develop a collegial, inclusive community with high levels of member involvement; and actively advocating to advance I-O psychology's impact and image in society.
- Administration-based nominations that take administration and/or management as their primary impact will demonstrate that the Nominee has held significant administrative positions in national organizations that have impacted the field of I-O psychology in important ways. Such positions may include organizations that specifically provide I-O-related products to their clients on a national or international level; they may employ/and or educate large numbers of I-O psychologists; or the incumbents in such position may have responsibility for I-O related functions in large, influential organizations. It is important that these contributions detail what the impact has been and how it relates to the larger field of I-O psychology.
Innovations in Science and Practice
- Generated innovations in practice, theory, and/or research that had a notable and documented impact on I-O psychology and its primary stakeholders
- Introduced innovative research and/or practical concepts that have substantially changed the course of stakeholders' actions and efforts
- Developed programmatic research, meaningfully and consistently advancing critical knowledge domains within I-O psychology
- Developed psychological assessment(s) and/or selection test(s) that have been widely used throughout an organization, industry, and/or global market (e.g., including language translations)
- Developed training and development programs and/or attitude surveys that have been widely used throughout an organization, industry, and/or global market (e.g., including language translations)
- Pioneered I-O psychology's adoption and implementation of advanced methodologies or technologies
- Employed innovative teaching methods and/or practice techniques that have increased stakeholders’ understanding and application of new knowledge within and outside of the field
- Served as principal investigator on major research grant(s) from established granting agencies (e.g., NSF, NIH, NASA) or other funding organizations
and Disseminating Information
- Authored book chapters, journal articles, research reports, and/or whitepapers that have been widely distributed across multiple stakeholder groups for the field (e.g., as evidenced by number of citations, the h-index score, times of downloads, awards, media mention, etc.)
- Served as expert witness, consultant, and/or advisor to courts, legislatures, and governmental bodies (including via advocacy agencies)
- Authored publications in popular press outlets focused primarily on HR and business audiences
- Authored or edited major books in the field, including handbooks, textbooks, and/or technical manuals
- Presented influential audiovisual communications (e.g., webcasts, podcasts, films) that convey I-O psychology principles to various stakeholder groups
- Presented at various workshops, panels, and symposia at professional conferences and industry meetings
- Been interviewed by major newspapers, magazines, or other media outlets pertaining to expert opinions on I-O-related topic(s)
Influencing, Teaching, and Mentoring Others
- Conducted multidisciplinary research and practice that extends I-O psychology through information exchanges with other fields
- Driven successful efforts to increase inclusivity, diversity, and multiculturalism of I-O psychology research and practice
- Actively advocated to advance I-O psychology's impact and image in society
- Delivered invited address(es) at national and/or international conferences and conventions
- Served as chair of thesis and dissertation committees for individuals who themselves have positively influenced the field
- Served as leadership mentor and/or coach for junior colleagues and interns throughout one’s organization
- Received awards, prizes, and/or recognition from SIOP or other professional organizations that relate to I-O psychology or SIOP and its mission
- Received award(s) for teaching, research, or leadership from one’s organization or a professional association
Service to SIOP and Our Field
- Elected or appointed to various offices related to I-O psychology based on one's technical/professional competence (e.g., state psychology board)
- Served as a reviewer for various journals, conferences, and/or other professional outlets
- Served on editorial boards of I-O psychology outlets and related publications
- Served on various committees, task forces, and/or boards within SIOP or related professional organizations throughout one’s career
- Received outstanding service award(s) from SIOP, APA, or other professional associations
Leadership Role in an Organization
- Hold, or have held, the title of head, chair, director, or dean of a department or graduate program in I-O psychology or a related field
- Hold, or have held, a senior leadership position in an organization involved in the effective execution and practice of I-O psychology
- Hold, or have held, a leadership position in a regional, national, or international association related to the science and practice of I-O psychology
- Hold, or have held, a leadership position in an industry group focused on issues related to the science and practice of I-O psychology
- Hold, or have held, editorial position(s) for journals or major book series that advance the science and/or practice of I-O psychology