Show Me The Money: Science Funding Speed Mentoring at the 2016 SIOP Conference! Meredith Turner / Friday, April 1, 2016 0 1414 Article rating: No rating The SIOP Scientific Affairs committee is delighted to announce it will be hosting its third annual “Science Funding Speed Mentoring” special event at the 2016 SIOP conference in Anaheim, CA on Friday, April 15, from 5:00-6:30PM in Pacific A of the Hilton Anaheim. This event complements several other conference events focused on improving science advocacy by providing SIOP members with information and resources to more effectively pursue scientific funding opportunities. Protégés that sign up for this special event will get the opportunity to engage in two (2) consecutive half-hour small group discussions with expert science fundees and funders. The science funding-related topics from which protégés can select on a first-come, first-serve basis are: Read more
Anaheim Conference Highlights Scott Tonidandel and Eden King Meredith Turner / Friday, April 1, 2016 0 1402 Article rating: No rating Here are some not-to-be missed highlights from the SIOP 2016 conference! (Please see the January 2016 issue of TIP and the online program for more comprehensive descriptions.) Read more
A Look in the Mirror: The Mastery-Oriented I-O psychologist Jonathan Cottrell, Eleni Lobene, Nicholas Martin, and Anthony Boyce Meredith Turner / Friday, April 1, 2016 0 2236 Article rating: No rating Research on personality, especially using the five-factor model (FFM; McCrae & Costa, 1987), has contributed greatly to industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology. In particular, this is because personality traits, especially Conscientiousness, are found to be valid predictors of job performance (Barrick & Mount, 1991; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000) while having relatively less adverse impact than other selection tools, such as cognitive ability tests (Ployhart & Holtz, 2008). Although the FFM is the most widely used personality model, other traits have been studied in the context of work and have been found to correlate with key variables such as job performance and job satisfaction. Such variables include need for achievement (McClelland, Atkinson, Clark, & Lowell, 1976), core self-evaluations (Judge & Bono, 2001), and goal orientation (Phillips & Gully, 1997). As a result, it is of great interest to organizations to be able to understand the personality of its applicants and its incumbents, and often such an examination of traits goes beyond the FFM. Read more
Mindfulness-Based Interventions: A Brief Review of Their Application to Graduate Student Strain Enrique Cabrera-Caban, Rebecca Garden, Arianna White, and Katelyn Reynoldson Meredith Turner / Friday, April 1, 2016 0 2218 Article rating: No rating Graduate school is often a stressful period for budding industrial-organizational psychologists. One strategy for managing stress, both in graduate school and beyond, is the mindfulness-based intervention (MBI). This article examines the potential efficacy of MBIs for the graduate student population within a stressor-strain framework. First, we detail common graduate student stressors, then we define mindfulness and provide examples of mindfulness exercises. Next, we review meta-analytic evidence for the effectiveness of MBIs in reducing strain in broader populations. Last, we provide resources for beginning a mindfulness practice. Although this article focuses primarily on the graduate student population, the lessons learned from MBI research apply to most professional populations as well. Read more
Areas in Need of More Science/Research: Results from the 2015 Practitioner Needs Survey Ben Porr, Ted Axton, Meredith Ferro, and Soner Dumani Meredith Turner / Friday, April 1, 2016 0 1625 Article rating: No rating In the July 2015 TIP, the SIOP Professional Practice Committee (PPC) presented the first of a series of articles reporting the results of the 2015 Practitioner Needs Survey that the PPC conducted between March and April 2015. The objective of the survey was to gather information about current needs of I-O practitioners to provide insights to SIOP leadership and committees (e.g., PPC, licensure, visibility) about developing future initiatives. In addition, the survey was designed to collect information that could be compared to the results of the 2008 Practitioner Needs Survey in order to examine progress on issues identified in 2008. Read more