Featured Articles

Ensuring All Feel Welcome

SIOP Administrative Office

India Worthy 0 4097 Article rating: No rating

SIOP Committees and Leaders Work to Promote Diversity, Justice, and Equality

Through its efforts to promote the research and practice of I-O psychology, SIOP brings individuals, groups, and organizations together to understand and promote diversity, justice, and equality both nationally and internationally, within organizations and beyond.  SIOP supports our current committee work to this end and welcomes member involvement.

If Your Friends Jumped Off a Cliff...

Barbara Ruland, SIOP Communications Specialist

India Worthy 0 3918 Article rating: No rating

Study Shows the Power of Social Media Over Ethical Perceptions

Throughout history, parents have been asking their children variations of the question, “If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jump off too?”

Researchers explored that time-honored question in the context of social media and ethics for a study that generated a lot of interest when presented at the 2017 Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Orlando, Florida.

Applying Psychological Science to World Issues

Barbara Ruland, SIOP Communications Specialist

India Worthy 0 3996 Article rating: No rating

Michele Gelfand Wins International Psychology Award

SIOP Fellow Michele Gelfand is widely known for her work on the evolution and consequences of cultural differences, negotiation and conflict, revenge and forgiveness, and diversity.

A professor and Distinguished University Scholar Teacher at University of Maryland, College Park, she recently received the 2017 US Outstanding International Psychologist Award given by Division 52 (International Psychology) of the American Psychological Association.

Male Leaders’ Role in Promoting Gender Inclusivity

SIOP Administrative Office

India Worthy 0 4684 Article rating: No rating

SIOP Participates in Coalition for National Science Funding Capitol Hill Exhibition

On May 16, SIOP member Katina Sawyer, Assistant Professor at Villanova University’s Department of Psychology, represented SIOP at the 23rd annual Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) Capitol Hill Exhibition in Washington, D.C.

The exhibition is an opportunity for CNSF members to display and discuss National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded research directly with members of Congress, federal agency officials, and other policymakers and allows the research community to highlight the importance of continued investment in NSF and basic research.



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