Featured Articles

What Are You Doing Wednesday?

Preconference events can give you a head start

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The SIOP 2020 Annual Conference officially begins with Opening Plenary on Thursday, April 23. However, you can jump start your learning and networking by attending one of the many preconference events on Wednesday!

Submission Deadline for SciTS2020 Approaching

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SciTS2020 is a forum for team science scholars, practitioners, and providers from a broad range of disciplines to share and advance the latest evidence-based methods in team collaboration in translational and transdisciplinary science.

Speakers and attendees will include investigators, administrators, students, funders, and policymakers. Anyone interested in improving integrative research and discovery is welcome.  The deadline for abstract submission is December 1, 2019.

The 2020 conference will be hosted by Duke University and the Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute, June 1-4, 2020 at the Durham Convention Center in historic and vibrant Downtown Durham. 

SIOP’s LEC Assessment for the 2020s Debrief

By Nikki Blacksmith LEC Planning Committee Member

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It’s hard to believe but SIOP’s 2019 LEC is over and the planning for SIOP 2020 LEC is underway! I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the annual consortium and start translating the amazing insights and discussions had during LEC into action.

SIOP’s 2019 Leading Edge Consortium, Advancing the Edge: Assessment for the 2020s (LEC), had record-breaking attendance. In fact, it SOLD OUT! What was even more exciting was that about 20% of the audience were non-SIOP members. Their unique perspectives and expertise greatly contributed to and heightened the conversation about where the field of assessment needs to head in the future.

The Evolution of Automation in Talent Assessment and Selection

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Brendan Neuman, PhD - Basil Consultants and Maura Burke, PhD - HumRRO

With increasing coverageartificial intelligence of automated talent assessment appearing in the popular press, it’s no surprise that employers’ expectations are moving toward automated selection processes. That said, there is a limit to what can be effectively and responsibly automated, as the interaction between human behavior and workplace context is messy and difficult to quantify. Although AI and automation can be pragmatic aids to recruit talent, selection decisions are more ambiguous, involve higher stakes, and require a great deal of contextual information. In this article, we explore the state of automation in talent assessment and shed light on its benefits and limitations.

Congratulations to This Year’s Early Bird Drawing Winners!

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SIOP understands that finances can be tight for Student Affiliates and wanted to help by offering an early bird renewal drawing, exclusively for students.

Roughly 1,000 students were entered in our drawing, simply for renewing their dues by June 15. SIOP is happy to announce the three lucky students that won free registration for the 35th Annual SIOP Conference.



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